Meet the cats
who rule my life

I love cats, I love them almost as much as I love retro gaming. Which is a lot!

For legal reasons I need to state I love my friends and family more!

Here is a list of all the cats who ruin my life fill me with joy and happiness on a daily basis

You may notice our cats have musician related names

You can click or tap on each cat's picture for more information

Or you can find out the latest news and what the cats have been up to at Instagram and Threads

Our cats

These cats provide the security and pest control for Ian's Retro Museum and

Olly, the elder of the group and king of all the cats, but he's still an orange cat who does orange cat things. Bizarre orange cat things

Charlie, the wanderer who disappears for days on end, then turns up and shouts at the museum's patrons and staff

Coco, the elusive scaredy cat who really doesn't like the dog and will swat at him until he leaves her alone, which never happens

Rose, Miss Angry, is probably hissing and screaming at something or someone right now, but she is is very pretty and unbelievably soft, so gets away with it

Duffy, the "very" annoying kitten of the group, one of her favourite things to do is wind up the dog

Other notable cats who deserve a mention

Ronan, only here for a short time. R I P

Cats belonging to other family members

Vader, the original "evil" genius. R I P

Yoda, the angriest cat who ever lived

ALEXA! Show me more cats

Ok, I have found some more cats for you

We all love the cats

Any comments or questions? Contact me

My other sites for your viewing pleasure...

Ian's Retro Museum (Retro gaming nostalgia)
Prepare For Cats (This site) (The original site) (Test site)

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